iZaki Go Natural
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The story behind iZaki

Our son was always the boy on the run when we attended mom's groups and baby classes. He just never sat still. I knew something was different with my child when I saw how the other kids were. At the age of 3, I was so drained, seeing that he was always in trouble at the daycare due to the fact that he was extremely impulsive and hyperactive, so I took him for an assessment at the first Pediatric Neurologist. She diagnosed him with extreme ADHD (hyperactive), ODD and auditory sensitivity. I was not happy with such a young diagnosis and we saw another Pediatric Neurologist, and the same diagnosis was made. Still I was not convinced, and we went to see Professor in Children's Psychology at the North West University Potchefstroom who once again confirmed the diagnosis. She in fact said that it is one of the worst cases she has come across in nearly 38 years in practice.


With this diagnosis inmind, I was happy to start my child with chemicals due to the fact that we tried so many natural options with no success and this was our last option to get our son calmed down. His chemicals did help, but unfortunately as he grew older, problems and complaints from schools became more. Every time I phoned the doctor, something would be added or dosages would be elevated, with the result of him being on 6 different chemicals at the age of 7, already at extremely high dosages. Keep in mind, al 6 were given together. BUT even on all these it still did not go very well, and the hiccups were a lot.


40mg Strattera

30mg Ritalin LA

250mg Camcelot

54mg Concerta

1mg Risperdal BD



From the age of 3 until 7, I continued to look for natural alternatives to either add on or that might replace some or all of his chemicals, but never could I find anything that helped. I tried every possible drop, powder, tablet, capsule, oil, syrup but nothing helped. Then at the age of 7 I started to give him Sceletium, and this is where we reached our turning point. After combining everything for 3 months, we started weaning his chemicals. We were able to wean 5 of the six and lower his Ritalin to 10mg every 3 hours. But still his hyperactivity/impulsivity was a huge concern. In my continues search I found BrightSpark helping with specifically hyperactivity/impulsivity and behavioural problems. This combination seemed to do the trick. But then the Sceletium product seemed to stop working and my search for another product continued. I then found Serobrine, and what a difference it made! He is now on 5mg Ritalin at home and 10mg at school. My ADHD husband and I are also using the Serobrine.


My son's story motivated me to also help others in the same boat as we were, seeing that I am reading literally hundreds of articles yearly on his and his dad's condition. I am now an agent for both products and other natural products I stumbled upon in my journey.

It is a passion for me to help others with ADHD/ODD/anxiety/Depression and want to walk a personal road with each and every family. I hope I can assist you too.


Much love,
